AXA’s Quarter 4 – 2023 Newsletter


Take firm steps to go further with AXA – Be willing to welcome new journeys

It will be amazing when we can keep you updated on our most recent news by the end of 2023. Lately, there have been notable events and historic turning points that have contributed significantly to our advancement. Crucially, they have added color and vibrancy to our journey and have left an indelible mark on our youth. Additionally, they serve as inspiration for us to move forward with our goal and vision, particularly in terms of providing excellent services and creating tremendous value for our members and clients. We hope that our news has piqued your interest.



Besides making every effort to go further, we always uphold a spirit of nurturing and developing gratitude and place importance on voluntary activities in our lives. More importantly, we have realized that every day we are given gifts from life, so it would be quite wonderful if we could give back and take the time to create value that is beneficial to others.


More significantly, we may convey the message that people exist in this world to love one another. With the desire to spread love, sharing, and connection between people, AXA organized the Humanitarian Blood Donation Campaign—Precious Drops of Blood Given to People.

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AXA places extremely high emphasis on activities that are highly entertaining and connected because they will be indispensable factors for us to gradually move towards becoming a happy and different business. More especially, our members can unwind and recharge their batteries after working hours, as well as have chances, so that we are able to strengthen our bonds. Therefore, with the aforementioned spirit, we came together to organize the fantastic and incredibly successful AXA 2023 sports event with a load of different sports.

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Youth is not forever; that’s why we always cherish every moment together, sharing joys and sorrows, and especially constantly learning, growing, and overcoming all challenges together so that we can “go further with AXA.” As we shared earlier, AXA is always in hope of creating as many memorable activities as possible for our members on our journey. At the end of the year 2023, we took an annual trip together to one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam, Nha Trang. It can be said that the recent TEAM-BUILDING 2023 trip will be one of the most beautiful memories of our colorful youth.

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On the path of development, it is extremely fortunate for AXA when AXA and our members can have great serendipity to become colleagues and consider each other like real family members. In the last months of the year, the AXA family was thrilled to welcome the next talented members to join our team to go further with AXA together and achieve more achievements in the next span. More importantly, we will inspire and encourage each other to become a better version of ourselves to enhance the image of Vietnamese engineers and bring top-notch quality to worldwide clients.


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Besides outstanding activities and events, in the past year, AXA Engineers has been extremely happy to be able to continuously welcome guests of honor. We were pleased to welcome Ms. Abbie and Mr. Dong, who represent Autosdesk and OneCad Vietnam. One great thing shared in that welcome meeting is that in 2023, AXA has recognized as the company that owns the most civil 3D software licensed in Vietnam. This can be considered a testament to our efforts over the past few years.

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Gordon’s Wedding

Our AXA family members have had nothing but continuously wonderful news in the last year; some opened a new chapter in their lives when getting married, while others welcomed a new baby. There is a very good saying that “happiness is when we see the people, especially our beloved ones around us, happy.” Honestly, all of us were extremely thrilled to receive good news from Gordon that he would get married in October 2023, and we looked forward to attending his wedding.

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Steven’s Wedding

It is a wonderful thing that this year, another member of our family, Steven, also got married, and his big day took place at Christmas. We were extremely happy and eager to be present on his big day. This is also a wonderful thing in our culture, which is to be side by side with our members on any journey.

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