Outsourcing Curb Ramp Design Services

Outsourcing Curb Ramp Design Services

The curb ramp is the basic unit of accessibility in a pedestrian circulation area. Curb ramps provide the connection between the sidewalk and the street crossing for pedestrians using strollers, walkers, and manual or powered wheelchairs.There are eleven elements of a curb ramp that require measurement of length, width, and both grade and cross-slope to determine if it meets the requirements of the Draft Access Board Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidelines

AXA Engineers has been involved in curb ramp design in Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) curb ramp consulting. We have participated in designing curb ramps at various location in Hawaii following HDOT. We can design curb ramp depend on request from cliens. Types: A, B, B truncated, C, D. Cost Estimation if needed. With successful initiatives completed throughout the United States, we apply our expertise to develop individual curb ramp replacement programs with realistic schedules, attainable goals and balanced budgets. Our outsourcing curb ramp design services ensure compliance with ADA Accessibility guidelines and other standards for accessible design. Outsourcing Curb Ramp Design Services at AXA Engineers will help you save time and money.

Outsourcing Curb Ramp Design Services

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