Grading and Drainage plans


Grading and Drainage plans are required for almost drawings set. Depending on each local standard or manual, the design and implementation of all grading and related site work should:

  • Minimize scars and other adverse visual impacts resulting from cut and fill.
  • Blend with the natural contours of the land.
  • Conserve the natural scenic beauty and vegetation of the site.
  • Restrict the area and volumes to the minimum necessary to implement the planned development.
  • For any grading, which impacts natural drainage patterns on the property, the historical drainage must be maintained at the property boundary. This includes drainage location, volume, velocity, sediment yield and the direction of flow off the property.
  • Ensure that graded hillside, slopes, or other areas subject to erosion are stabilized
  • Minimize dust pollution and surface water drainage from graded areas during grading and development
  • Ensure that development activity is designated and implemented to minimize adverse impacts and include appropriate restorative measures.

AXA Engineers includes experienced engineers have been participated in design numerous Grading and Drainage plans in the United States, Canada, Australia. We usually use Civil 3D software with highest skills and latest features updated regularly will bring best grading plan concept for you.

Drainage Plans

A drainage plan is a proposed method for containing rainwater on your property, so that it doesn’t pool up at your foundation, or run off onto your neighbors property, perhaps even causing flooding. Many counties require drainage plans to control any increase in the amount of rainwater which runs off each piece of property as a result of the development of that property.

Almost any of the land development design services involved in building a stick-built home increases the amount of rainfall that may run off after a heavy rainstorm. For example, when an excavator grades the site, in the process of grading he will eliminate natural pockets and depressions in the soil which hold water until it is absorbed into the soil, and so instead of absorbing into the soil, the water will naturally runoff. Removing trees and brush reduces the amount of water absorbed by roots and the subsequent evaporation through the plants leaves. Covering ground with the house, driveways, and other impervious covers prevents the underlying soil from accepting surface water. While bare land may readily absorb soil, a lawn of grass may make it less absorbent. Trucks driving over the ground during and after construction compacts the surface. These and other factors may combine to decrease the ability of native soil to absorb rainfall and cause the water to ‘stand’ or ‘pool’. If the pooling goes on long enough, it can eventually spill over into the crawl space, or into your neighbor’s property. To avoid this, a drainage plan is required to show that this has been addressed.

AXA Engineers has a team of professional personnel which provides civil engineering design services in a variety of markets, including grading and drainage plans. Our goal is to design a cost effective project that incorporates good engineering science, meets the local, state, and federal regulations or codes, and is an appealing design that meets or exceeds client expectations.

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